Disability pension
In the event of incapacity for work your pension accrual will (partly) continue, but you will no longer pay the contributions. You may also be entitled to a supplementary pension in addition to your WIA-benefit. This disability pension is 70% of the part of your salary above € 75,864. If you have a long-term illness, which is of course very unfortunate, Forward and Unilever have made some arrangements for you. In the event of incapacity for work, Unilever provides a replacement income for the first two years. When, after these two years, you are eligible for a benefit based on the WIA [Wet Werk en Inkomen naar Arbeidsvermogen (Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act)], the following two arrangements for incapacity for work of Forward apply:
The situation in the event of (partial) incapacity for work is complicated. We address this in more detail in our Arbeidsongeschikt leaflet (only available in Dutch). If you become disabled, please contact us. We would be happy to give you information on the consequences that long-term illness or invalidity might have for you. You can contact us by calling the Pension Information Line at +31 (0)10 439 4473 or by sending an email to Pensioen.Infolijn@unilever.com. |
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