Value transfer
Did you accrue any pension before you started working at Unilever Netherlands? In that case you can transfer your accrued pension to us.* The transfer of your pension to a different pension provider is referred to as 'value transfer'. If you choose to do so, on retirement you will receive a pension from one provider. Have you previously accrued pension at a different employer? Then the amount of the accrued pension per year determines what happens to this pension: Is your accrued pension more than € 613.52 per year?
Then you can decide yourself whether or not to take your pension to Forward.
In any event we advise you to ask for a value transfer. This does not commit you to anything. You can request a value transfer online via Mijn Pensioen. After you have done so, we will request your information from your previous pension provider. We will then calculate the extra pension you could receive due to the value transfer. The value of this pension is the same before and after the transfer. You will then receive a statement from us and only then will you decide whether or not to transfer. After the value transfer, the rules in use at Forward – relating to the increase of your pension (indexation) for example – will then also apply to this pension. Whether a value transfer is a good choice primarily depends on how both pension providers increase your pension. The starting principles here are: - What is the indexation policy of both providers? - To what extent has this policy actually been implemented? - How good is the financial position of both providers currently? More information on value transfer can be found in our Joining Unilever Forward brochure (available in English). What happens if you do not want to take your pension with you? Then your pension remains with your previous pension provider. Would you like some assistance in making this decision? Please contact us for more information or engage a financial advisor. Is your accrued pension lower than € 613.52 per year?
Many pension providers use – like we do – the right to automatic value transfer. Your previous provider will then ensure that your pension is automatically transferred to Forward.
After the value transfer, the rules in use at Forward – relating to the increase of your pension (indexation) for example – will then also apply to this pension.
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