Pensioen 1-2-3

What is arranged for you?

You are accruing a mandatory pension at Forward. You are doing this via Unilever. Every employer has its own pension scheme. In this so-called 'Pensioen 1-2-3', you can see what you will and what you will not receive in our pension scheme. This information is important, for example, when you change jobs. Pensioen 1-2-3 does not contain any personal information about your pension. You will find this in Mijn Pensioen, your personal digital environment. You can reach Mijn Pensioen via our website or via the direct link:

How we deal with responsible investment can be found on the Dutch part of our website. There you will also find an overview of the sustainability characteristics of our investments (only in Dutch).

What will you find in layer 1, 2 and 3?

Pensioen 1-2-3 consists of 3 layers. This first layer briefly sets out the most important information about your pension scheme. You can view layer 1 via the links below or download it directly.

Layer 2 contains more information on all the topics in layer 1. Finally, in layer 3 you will find legal and policy-related information about our pension plan.

How does it work?

Click on one of the topics below for the most important information in layer 1. If you would like to read more about a topic, click on ‘Read more’ to go to the next layer.



Layer 3Documents that are important for you