If you would like insight into your total pension
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Our Pension Planner (only available in Dutch) provides an insight into your pension situation at Forward. Log in safely with your DigiD via Mijnpensioen.Unileverpensioenfonds.nl. For your total pension (including AOW and pensions elsewhere) visit mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. On our pension planner (only available in Dutch), you will find an indication of the pension you are entitled to and the pension to which your partner and/or children are entitled after your death. You can also see the impact of certain pension choices. For example, If you are considering retiring a year early, you can immediately see how much less pension you will then receive per year. This allows you to make well-considered choices. Do you still have pension with (a) previous employer(s)? On mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl you will get a good idea of the total pension that you have accrued during your career. |
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