Fixed amounts?

The amount of your pension through your participation in the UPP is not fixed. The amount is dependent on the deposited premiums, returns on investments and the rate of the insurance company you have selected for the purchase of your pension.
The amount of the net survivors’ pension of elipsLife is fixed.


Apart from the above factors, the level of your pension also depends on the choices you make on retirement (see ‘What options do you have with the UPP?’).
It is only at your retirement date that – if you opt for a fixed pension benefit – you will have certainty about the level of your net pension benefit. You purchase this pension benefit with the net pension capital you have accrued with the UPP.
If you opt for a variable pension benefit, the level of your pension after it starts may get higher or lower.


The level of net pension for your partner and/or children is based on the part of your salary above the salary limit. In this case the salary and the salary limit at 1 January in the year of your death apply. There is no risk of the net survivors pension being reduced as a result of poor returns. Once it has started the net survivors pension increases each year by 2% of the amount paid the year before. 

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